_fundadorx i directorx des de 2015
espai nómada de creació i pedagogia radical, enfocat a les pràctiques performatives.
_founder and director since 2015
independent space for development and artistic research, focused on performative practices.
_curadorx i directorx edició 2021
A partir de la urgencia de encarnar nuestro Mar de Islas en contraposición a la segregación actual del Caribe, se crea este encuentro de artistas caribeñxs en el archipiélago de Borikén (Puerto Rico). El objetivo principal es unir e intercambiar creaciones, sensibilidades, resistencias y saberes entre nuestrxs vecinxs caribeñxs, a través del arte de la performance.
_curator and director 2021 edition
This encounter of Caribbean artists in the archipelago of Boriken (Puerto Rico) is born from the urgency of embodying our Sea of Islands as an antithesis to the current segregation of the Caribbean. The main objective is to unite and exchange creations, sensibilities, resistances and knowledge among our Caribbean islander neighbors, through the art of performance.
EMPREMTA festival internacional de performance
EMPREMTA festival internacional de performance
_directorx i curadorx de les edicions 2015 i 2017
trobada d’Art de la Performance amb caràcter heterogeni i experimental. Com a residu i marca de l’acció, del gest, del fet de deixar constància efímera neix, Empremta.
_director and curator 2015 and 2017 editions
Performance Art encounter of heterogeneous and experimental nature. Empremta is born as residue and trace of the action, of the gesture, at the instance of leaving ephemeral evidence.